Democracy success stories

Democracy success stories

Our democracy success stories illustrate how democracy can solve the problems that matter to people and address global challenges. Each week in September 2024, we will release a new episode - find them all on this page.
A group of people - details provided in caption
Members of the Kakamega County Disability Caucus

Evidence shows that democracy helps protect rights, reduces the risk of conflict, benefits international and domestic peace, and increases the likelihood of sustainable economic growth and effective social policies. 

In short: Inclusive, accountable, effective democratic governance is a powerful tool. It can solve the problems that matter to people and address global challenges that affect us all. 

Our new video series features partners we support in Kenya, Nigeria, Malaysia, and Nepal. They tell the story of positive change that has resulted from strengthening democracy. 

A woman sits at a desk writing

Democracy success stories: Episode 2 (Nigeria)

In episode 2 of our democracy success stories series, our partners in Nigeria explain how stronger democratic processes are helping to end violence against women and girls.

A member of Teja Station, a Civil Society Organisation from Malaysia learning sewing skills

Democracy success stories: Episode 1 (Malaysia)

Democracy is a tool to solve real-world problems and make change that positively impacts billions of lives. In episode 1 of our democracy success stories series, Budgeting for all in Malaysia, we tell the story of how gender-responsive budgeting is helping to improve lives in Malaysia.


Watch the latest story

Hear our partners in Nigeria explain how stronger democratic processes are helping to end violence against women and girls.

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