Parliaments (also known as legislatures) hold government and decision makers (also known as the executive) to account. This involves:
- Monitoring the intended and unintended consequences of laws they pass
- Checking whether public money is spent effectively and efficiently
- Strengthening integrity in public office and combatting corruption
- Ensuring governments comply with human rights and other standards
Click on an area below to find out more about each of these areas.
Monitoring the intended and unintended consequences of legislation
Checking how public money is spent
Strengthening integrity in public office and combatting corruption
Ensuring governments comply with human rights and other standards

Our expertise
Franklin De Vrieze - Head of Practice
Franklin is a democracy and governance expert with extensive experience in post conflict, fragile and transition countries. His areas of expertise are parliamentary strengthening, legislative impact analysis and scrutiny, institution building for anti-corruption and integrity, policy making on combatting illegal finance, and the oversight role of parliaments on public finances and public debt.