

WFD engages consultants in a range of areas and specialisms to carry out short term projects or to conduct pieces of research to support our policy work and programme delivery. When opportunities are available, they are listed on this page.

WFD engages consultants in a range of areas and specialisms to carry out short term projects or to conduct pieces of research to support our policy work and programme delivery. When opportunities are available, they are listed on this page.


Westminster Foundation for Democracy (“WFD”) is publishing this Invitation to Tender (“ITT”) in order to commission research services to conduct the research on the ‘cost of politics on inclusive political participation and socio-economic development in Nepal’. Interested parties are requested to submit their proposal responding to these terms of reference by 9th August 2024.
Keywords: research, grant call, grant calls, funding opportunity, research funding.
A person wearing grey shirt writing
WFD is seeking a consultant to design the upgraded version of the Public Debt Management Assessment Tool for Parliaments (PDMAT 2.0)
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WFD seeks an expert to collect and analyse data on forecasting business development in Ukraine.
WFD is looking to enter into an agreement with a consultancy firm to undertake the pre-election quantitative and qualitative survey-based analysis
A person wearing grey shirt writing
WFD seeks an expert to provide the British Embassy in Bishkek and their Kyrgyz counterparts with senior-level advice on legal and economic reforms to enhance the economic and administrative environment, and build strong UK-Kyrgyz relations on democratic governance issues.
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WFD in Maldives is looking for expert(s)/firms/agencies to develop short videos for an e-course.
A person wearing grey shirt writing