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Orange day celebration in SL


On 15 September, Westminster Foundation for Democracy (WFD) and the UK Embassy to Macedonia launched an enhanced partnership with the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia.
A man giving a speech while other people stand on the side
Since May 2016, WFD organised training, panel discussions and mentoring on the best methods to engage with parliament. The most recent session tackled the skills needed to plan, research and write a policy paper and present the findings to the parliament.
a woman speaking into media microphones and cameras
WFD supported the Parliamentary Budget Office in Serbia
WFD’s programme in Macedonia is set to support a wide range of civil society organisations tackling different human rights issues. WFD will support the CSOs by building their capacity to engage with decision-makers in Macedonia, encouraging a dialogue on human rights based on research and evidence.
WFD is launching a new partnership in Macedonia - connecting civil society with parliament to improve human rights in the country.