WFD’s politically neutral programme in Venezuela works on a cross-party basis and a wide range of civil society organisations in Venezuela to support their capacity to research and respond to the priorities of citizens.
In the past, WFD Venezuela supported the National Assembly of Venezuela in becoming a more responsive institution that can effectively represent citizens, develop quality legislation and provide oversight of government, by implementing a modernisation strategy, designed by the Assembly with WFD support.
In the past, WFD Venezuela supported the National Assembly of Venezuela in becoming a more responsive institution that can effectively represent citizens, develop quality legislation and provide oversight of government, by implementing a modernisation strategy, designed by the Assembly with WFD support.

In 2016, Venezuela’s National Assembly signed a decree recognizing the complex humanitarian emergency, in midst of rampant political polarisation, population’s reduced access to public services and a deep economic crisis. WFD has worked on a cross-party basis seeking to strengthen democratic institutions and with civil society organisations on capacity building to boost their impact.
Assessing civil society impact
WFD has worked with civil society actors and organisations building their capacities to develop gender inclusive initiatives as well as creating meeting and learning spaces among peers in order to identify best community practices.