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672 results found for "Environmental democracy"
We will not be able to respond to every threat to democracy but acknowledging that different approaches are needed can help to make the global change we want to see.
WFD’s annual reception at Houses of Parliament.
Chairperson of the Coalition of Women MPs from Arab Countries to Combat Violence against Women, Wafa Bani Mustafa explores the important role democracy can play in combatting gender based violence.
Peacebuilding is often seen as the preserve of specialist peacebuilding organisations. But non-peace actors can contribute to consolidating peace and stability too.
In North Macedonia, WFD is working with persons with disabilities (PWDs), a marginalised and underrepresented group in society, to ensure their needs are at the top of the policy agenda.
WFD is implementing the East African Commonwealth Youth Leaders Initiative to promote the ratification of the African Charter on Democracy, Elections and Governance (ACDEG) and provide a platform for young leaders in East Africa to openly debate on critical issues related to youth and governance challenges.
Uganda |
Africa is full of young men and women with huge potential, eager to help build the continent’s future. The continent’s young leaders are inspiring, ambitious and passionate. However, many of them are denied any real political voice or influence. That’s why WFD is committed to supporting young people to engage in politics.
The study “Do we learn democracy?” analyses the presence and content in which democratic values are presented in the curricula in the secondary education in North Macedonia.
North Macedonia | Study |
The rapid and deep system transformation can be disruptive for some people, so we need to focus on inclusion and equity to increase ambition rather than resistance to change.
To foster LGBT+ inclusive democracies, parliamentarians need to listen to LGBT+ voices, as well as access to more and better information. WFD is focusing on addressing these issues.
The COVID-19 pandemic is testing governance systems around the world. Where democratic systems were already straining under the pressure of post-financial crisis populism, this latest crisis is pushing political institutions and norms to breaking point. Emergency measures once thought unthinkable have been quickly designed and enforced, often with little to no public scrutiny or time restrictions. The variation in responses and results has again opened the debate as to the ability of democracies to deliver in moments of crisis.
Through all this, one factor seems to dictate the extent to which governments have been able to respond successfully to the pandemic: political trust.
Through all this, one factor seems to dictate the extent to which governments have been able to respond successfully to the pandemic: political trust.
WFD hosted the inaugural Democracy Action Partnership (DAP) in Bali, Indonesia, gathering democratic changemakers in the Asia region to dive into the interrelated forms of violence against women in politics and elections and facilitate responses.