Overcoming the Challenges to the Effective Implementation of the Violence Against Persons Prohibition Act in Nigerian States

Overcoming the Challenges to the Effective Implementation of the Violence Against Persons Prohibition Act in Nigerian States

These policy briefs give an update to the status of the uptake of the VAPPA by the 36 states and provides information on the current status of the Law in each state specifically.  They are aimed at guiding decision makers and relevant stakeholders in facilitating effective engagement towards successful implementation of the law in the state.  
A woman speaking into a microphone at a town hall meeting in Nigeria

Report of the Impact of the Violence Against Persons (Prohibition) Act and other related laws in Nigeria

This research report presents the findings from a study of the Impact of the Violence Against Persons Prohibition Act, 2015 and related laws in Nigeria. The object of this research is to examine the implementation status of the VAPP Act as well as other anti-violence against women legislations in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) and the focal states. It focuses, specifically, on an assessment of the level of citizen engagement in the adoption and implementation processes of the VAPP Act, highlighting the challenges, successes, and the limitations of the Act and related laws in the FCT and in the states where the Act has been adopted into law. The study also sets out to identify best practices and generate recommendations to fast-track the implementation of the Act and /or its adoption by the states yet to domesticate it, while contributing to existing body of knowledge on the impact of anti-violence against women laws in Nigeria.

Cover page of the report