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News, commentary, and stories from WFD
Orange day celebration in SL


Kashif Mahmood Tariq, a former legislative drafter from Pakistan participated in a WFD organised placement in October 2016. Following his placement he argued that effective legislation needs a solid understanding of society.
Local self-government systems are intended to bring power and decision-making closer to citizens and communities. As in many other post-Soviet countries, the Kyrgyz systems of local self-government have existed since independence in various forms.
Since May 2016, WFD organised training, panel discussions and mentoring on the best methods to engage with parliament. The most recent session tackled the skills needed to plan, research and write a policy paper and present the findings to the parliament.
a woman speaking into media microphones and cameras
WFD supported the Parliamentary Budget Office in Serbia
In Uganda, half of the battle in protecting women from discrimination is ensuring they know what their rights. WFD’s work in Uganda centered around building the capacity of civil society organisations to ensure that laws designed to protect women were actually implemented at the local level.
Two women smiling
On 26 January 2017, Westminster Foundation for Democracy (WFD) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the House of Councillors of the Moroccan Parliament during a conference on climate change legislation.
Burma’s democratic transition was one of the most watched in the world in 2016. After over 50 years of military rule, the national parliament faces the challenge of delivering change in line with citizens’ expectations.
The Tunisian Committee responsible for oversight of public expenditure highlighted the unnecessary provision of sugar subsidies to industry as a result of one of its first enquiries.
To achieve the reality of programmes that respond to changing needs commitment is needed from practitioners and donors alike to change their practices. WFD, DAI Europe and the range of practitioners participating in the roundtable are committed to explaining why working in this difficult political space provides real value to development, but also why it needs to be flexible and adaptable to succeed.
Blerim Vela, WFD’s Country Representative for Kosovo explains how WFD’s new programme will support reform of political parties.
People sitting doing a press conference
What role can parliamentarians play in making sure the SDGs are implemented by 2030?
WFD’s programme in Macedonia is set to support a wide range of civil society organisations tackling different human rights issues. WFD will support the CSOs by building their capacity to engage with decision-makers in Macedonia, encouraging a dialogue on human rights based on research and evidence.
Westminster Foundation for Democracy (WFD) welcomes the adoption of rules of procedure by the Georgian Parliament’s Human Rights Committee (HRC) after MPs passed recommendations without amendment.
Georgian Human Rights committee in parliament
The past week has been an emotional, as well as a political, roller-coaster across the UK, including inside WFD. On both sides of the debate there has been surprise, concern, anger, and optimism at some point since the voting started on Thursday. There has been an outpouring of perceptive analysis about the result, much of it very relevant to the challenges that WFD tries to help our partners to address, including how important it is for political leaders to listen to all parts of society, and how to manage political campaigns responsibly.
Referendum poll card
Helping strengthen parliaments’ ability to conduct financial scrutiny forms a big part of WFD’s ongoing work in the MENA region and beyond.