

WFD produces research that aims to build an evidence base for and improve the quality of democracy assistance. We also generate policy that contributes new tools for democracy support, as well as guides for parliaments, civil society and democracy support practitioners.
An woman sitting at a table reads WFD research on access to health services in Sri Lanka
An audience member reads WFD research on access to health services in Sri Lanka,
Browse our archive of resources below.
The front cover of the report which has the words how not to engage with authoritarian states in large letters above the names of the authors and the WFD and FCDO logos

This report examines how states that are committed to strengthening democracy engage with authoritarian states – and how this can strengthen authoritarianism. It outlines how pro-democracy governments can better engage with authoritarian states to avoid doing democratic harm and ultimately strengthen democracy around the world.


Publication type
This policy paper examines the extent to which parliamentary committees provide women in African parliaments with an avenue for influencing laws and policies in the health sector.
| Study
Cover page of a study
Youth emigration could cost Serbia up to €1.2 billion per year and 4 out of 5 young Serbs think about emigrating. That’s according to new research which WFD and think tank the Institute for Development and Innovation have published.
| Study
Young Serbians learn about their political rights through WBDI
This paper proposes one assessment framework to analyse the institutional characteristics and functioning of independent oversight institutions and regulatory agencies and their relationship to parliament.
| Briefing
Image of the front cover of the report
This paper highlights the procedures and practices in reviewing legislation in selected parliaments, while recognising the differences deriving from the countries’ variety of historical backgrounds, political situations and the adopted constitutional and political systems. The paper provides an overview of legislative practices in the UK, India and Indonesia.

| Report
This paper considers the myriad ways in which this behaviour affects the participation and experiences of women in political life in the United Kingdom. It gives a brief overview of VAW in the general UK population, before moving on to discuss the prominence of women in UK political life, the role of political parties and parliament, and the experiences of female politicians and activists who have agreed to be interviewed.
| Study
This guide provides practical guidance for organizing post-legislative scrutiny inquiries in parliament.

| Guide
Cover of the guide to post-legislative scrutiny
This comparative study describes the process and reasons for Post-Legislative Scrutiny, presents relevant facts and trends in selected countries, and identifies opportunities relevant to the parliamentary strengthening programming of the Westminster foundation for democracy (WFD) and other democracy assistance organizations.
| Study
This paper provides a global perspective from eight countries to contextualise the discussions to be held on 19-20 March 2018 in London – when legislators, activists and experts from over 20 countries gather for a two-day summit on VAWP.
| Briefing
Resource cover
The “Principles for Post-Legislative Scrutiny by Parliament” is a policy document aimed at assisting parliaments interested in initiating or strengthening practices of Post-Legislative Scrutiny (Post-Leg). It summarises relevant
practices based on lessons learned from parliaments in the UK and partner parliaments of the Westminster Foundation for Democracy (WFD). The Principles discuss the mandate to conduct Post-Legislative Scrutiny in Parliament (the “why”), the scope (the “what”), the participants (the “who”), the processes (the “how”) and the timing (the “when”).
| Guide
This paper discusses Civil Society Organisation (CSO) Operating Space in the EAC, restrictions on CSO operating space, the key drivers and impact of the restrictions on CSOs and CSO operating space from a country perspective.
| Report
Cover page of the report
What are the best practices and most efficient ways of achieving good governance in the Western Balkans? Can the same approach be used in all countries? How are their systems alike and what sets them apart?
| Study
one person talking, people sitting listening
Governments seeking to close political space have a number of tools at their disposal. One popular tactic is to suppress civil society by restricting foreign funding, controlling registration and imposing onerous reporting requirements. Parliaments often aid and abet executives in this process, even in purportedly democratic states. This paper examines when parliaments protect political space by rejecting restrictive civil society laws. In doing so, it identifies several factors that shape the success (or failure) of international efforts to motivate legislatures to defend democracy.
| Briefing
Published in 2017, this manual is designed to help support the experienced researchers to deliver training courses to the new or junior staff members, providing guidance on the important tasks: enquires, writing briefings, and an introduction to the core policies underlying parliamentary research work.
| Guide
Research skills training manual for the Research Services of the Myanmar Hluttaw
Democracy promoters cannot avoid these trade-offs, but with systematic evaluation of past programmes they can navigate them more effectively. This policy paper draws on the Westminster Foundation for Democracy’s experience in parliamentary strengthening to suggest how this might be done.
| Briefing
This report presents a summary of key themes and findings discussed throughout the conference. The report also includes a comprehensive set of recommendations that were agreed upon by all participants to address the regional challenges related to the cost of politics.
| Report