

WFD produces research that aims to build an evidence base for and improve the quality of democracy assistance. We also generate policy that contributes new tools for democracy support, as well as guides for parliaments, civil society and democracy support practitioners.
An woman sitting at a table reads WFD research on access to health services in Sri Lanka
An audience member reads WFD research on access to health services in Sri Lanka,
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The front cover of the report which has the words how not to engage with authoritarian states in large letters above the names of the authors and the WFD and FCDO logos

This report examines how states that are committed to strengthening democracy engage with authoritarian states – and how this can strengthen authoritarianism. It outlines how pro-democracy governments can better engage with authoritarian states to avoid doing democratic harm and ultimately strengthen democracy around the world.


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This survey was conducted to gain insight into the public's understanding and viewpoints on climate change and renewal energy in Armenia and help policymakers and legislators in their ongoing work. You can read the highlights of the report in this page or download the full report in pdf format.
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Image of windmill
This endline evaluation assesses phase I and phase II of the KIPP programme. The evaluation documents the changes attributable to the actions of the KIPP programme towards achieving participation and representation of persons with disabilities (PWDs) within Kenyan political parties.
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Cover page of the report
This report examines how states that are committed to strengthening democracy engage with authoritarian states – and how this can strengthen authoritarianism. It outlines how pro-democracy governments can better engage with authoritarian states to avoid doing democratic harm and ultimately strengthen democracy around the world.
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The front cover of the report which has the words how not to engage with authoritarian states in large letters above the names of the authors and the WFD and FCDO logos
This research report outlines the barriers women face in their pursuit of political leadership in Southeast Asia. It considers the structural, institutional, economic, and cultural factors that hinder or stop women from fully participating in political participation, leadership and governance. Read the executive summary on this page or download the full report in PDF format.
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Front cover of the PDF document containing details in the text of the main resource page
This framework presents principles and approaches to underpin WFD’s programming in fragile and conflict-affected contexts, offering a guidance for WFD’s staff and partners.
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To inform the work of the second phase of the Global Equality Project (GEP II), implemented in partnership with Kaleidoscope Trust, this study focuses on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on LGBT+ activists, as well as on the dynamics and spaces of their activism. By investigating the experiences of LGBT+ activists and organisations during the pandemic, it identifies specific recommendations for policymakers to ensure that mental health services are of good quality, and are available, accessible, and affordable to everyone without any discrimination. Moreover, this report calls on governments, international institutions and other stakeholders to ensure that the negative mental health outcomes of LGBT+ people and activists are adequately prioritised and addressed in the post-pandemic recovery.
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front cover of research paper on blue background
To inform the work of the second phase of the Global Equality Project (GEP II), implemented in partnership with Kaleidoscope Trust, this report explores the impact of Covid-19 on LGBT+ activists in Nigeria, Sri Lanka and Indonesia. As the most impactful global health disaster the world has faced since World War II, the research aimed to assess the extraordinary impact of COVID-19 on vulnerable LGBT+ individuals. The countries were selected to comparatively illustrate cases in Africa, South Asia, and Southeast Asia due to their distinct social, cultural, and legislative contexts.
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front cover of research paper on blue background
This report from examines the extent to which legislatures protect the environment, by conducting a study of single-use plastic bans in 32 countries.
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plastics on barbados beach
Women’s participation and representation in decision-making is increasing globally but those numbers are driven by mostly left-wing parties. Despite some improvements in the last years, the women’s underrepresentation in the right-wing parties in Albania remains a concern.
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 Albania parliament
On 15 October 2022, WFD organised a discussion forum on the inclusion of women in electoral lists in the DRC, alongside key national CSO’s. The forum looked at the key barriers to women's political participation and leadership in the country. Recommendations on what should be done to promote more women political leadership were provided in the forum; below is the full report of the conference-debate in English.
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people sitting in a podium looking at others sitting in a meeting
Starting from 2019, WFD’s Western Balkans regional office has been working on developing a comprehensive index of transparency of political parties. Together with a group of regional experts, WFD has continued its work in the course of 2020 in order to develop the Political Party Transparency Index (PPTI). The index consists of 67 individual indicators which are placed in three connected pillars: Internal party democracy (IPD), financial transparency and public outreach. During 2021, the PPTI was applied for the first time in partnership with 23 political parties from the Western Balkan (WB) region.
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wb flags
Healthcare advocacy is important to ensure equal access to qualitative care for the vulnerable population, increase the use of the referral system, address health inequities, influence decision-makers, and create systematic change for a healthier population.
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albania health
Green budgeting is a novel concept not only for Albania but also for other much developed countries. Green Budgeting consists of tools and instruments of budgetary policy-making to help achieve environmental and climate goals. Similar practices in Albania that have achieved some positive results include the Gender Budgeting.
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Following the previous reports on “Monitoring the Health State Budget in Albania” WFD office in Albania has supported Together for Life to continue the health budget monitoring for the period September 2021-April 2022.

As part of the initiative package “CSOs in Decision-Making”, WFD aims to strengthen the participation and advocacy efforts of civil society in decision-making through evidence-based approach, which is crucial to advance accountability and resilient institutions.
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This policy brief focuses on how an increased strategic foresight and stress-testing capacity of national parliaments and governments can improve policy resilience.
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