

WFD produces research that aims to build an evidence base for and improve the quality of democracy assistance. We also generate policy that contributes new tools for democracy support, as well as guides for parliaments, civil society and democracy support practitioners.
An woman sitting at a table reads WFD research on access to health services in Sri Lanka
An audience member reads WFD research on access to health services in Sri Lanka,
Browse our archive of resources below.
The front cover of the report which has the words how not to engage with authoritarian states in large letters above the names of the authors and the WFD and FCDO logos

This report examines how states that are committed to strengthening democracy engage with authoritarian states – and how this can strengthen authoritarianism. It outlines how pro-democracy governments can better engage with authoritarian states to avoid doing democratic harm and ultimately strengthen democracy around the world.


Publication type
Westminster Foundation for Democracy (WFD) in Serbia and the Institute for Research and Innovation (IRI) conducted a research analysis on budgetary allocations for youth and youth organisations at the local level in Serbia. The findings from this research also include specific data on how youth organisations function and what their cooperation with local level institutions looks like.
| Study
This guide from Wesminster Foundation for Democracy (WFD) and the newDemocracy Foundation is designed to support the needs of elected representatives and their advisors—those who would like to strengthen how elected politicians engage with their voters. It is meant for those decision-makers who want to be inspired by new and innovative ways to bring citizens to the heart of the decision.
| Guide
The deliberative democracy resource front cover
What skills and qualities do parliamentarians need to be able to promote inclusive change? WFD’s new research by Dr Victoria Hasson and Dr Rebecca Gordon identified five key skills and three qualities which are utilised by parliamentarians to achieve it.
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Leadership for inclusion cover image
This briefing paper makes recommendations, that when followed ensure risks can be addressed more effectively before and during future crises. First the paper provides guidance as to how best to prepare for a future crisis, from this the report suggests actions that should be taken once the crisis has begun. These recommendations specifically focus on reducing the impact crises have on elections.
| Briefing
Election monitors inspect a ballot box in the USA in November 2020
In the third publication of WFD’s anti-bribery and integrity series, a comparative analysis is carried out of the UK Bribery Act (2010) and anti-corruption legislation in Ukraine, Indonesia and Kenya.
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Image of the front cover of the report
A new report by WFD compiles information from desk-based research and interviews with relevant stakeholders. A variety of examples from neighbouring countries in the region such as South Korea, Japan and from countries in other regions such as UK, New Zealand, Jordan, and Kuwait are also incorporated. Taking all this information into account this report provides recommendations as to how Bangsamoro’s government can become better equipped to manage corruption.
| Report
WFD published an analysis looking into the impact of the pandemic on persons with disabilities in North Macedonia, produced by the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights. The analysis was presented to the public in June 2021, in the presence of Minister for Labour and Social Affairs Jagoda Shahpaska and British Deputy Ambassador Dominic Otway.

The research shows that persons with disabilities and persons who are care givers are in marginalized position, additionally worsened by the crisis. The pandemic brought to the surface the weaknesses of the system and the inequal access to public services for these groups. The data was collected though questionnaires for institutions, civil society organisations and a poll with 219 respondents who are persons with disabilities or persons or caregivers.
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Britain has an opportunity for international leadership at this pivotal moment in its history: The UK’s interests, values, resources and influence call for a leadership role in supporting democratic governance and confronting authoritarianism.
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Image of the front cover of the report
WFD has teamed up with the Netherlands Institute for Multiparty Democracy (NIMD) to launch a new website to host our research on the cost of running for and staying in elected office in different countries around the world.  
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banknotes in various currencies
The right to vote is unfortunately still not completely accessible to all citizens in North Macedonia. 76 percent of voting stations have stairs and on half of them (49% percent) there are no access ramps. One third of access ramps cannot be used, due to improper inclination and width. These are some of the findings of the monitoring of parliamentary elections 2020 in North Macedonia conducted by persons with disabilities, that was published this week.
| Report
Pwd elections
This manual provides a guide on how to incorporate an intersectional analysis in gender equality related issues, in order to work towards upholding human rights in the Maldives.
| Guide
People figures connected by lines
Westminster Foundation for Democracy (WFD), the Uganda Women Parliamentary Association (UWOPA), and Centre for Policy Analysis (CEPA) have developed this policy brief to guide on key issues that the 11th Parliament of Uganda needs to consider on COVID19 and women/girls, during the exercise of its four functions of representation, legislation, oversight over the executive and the judiciary.
| Briefing
Cover page of the policy brief
This guide for civil society explains what PLS is, why it is important, and how to go about it. The report focuses on LGBTIQ+ organisations and their priorities and the tools it contains are adaptable for civil society organisations working in different contexts, on different issues, and with different capacities.
| Guide
This gap analysis identifies the clear differences in how Sri Lankan laws are experienced by groups like LGBTIQ+ Sri Lankans who live mostly in the margins of Sri Lankan society. Examining a wide variety of laws and policies in Sri Lanka, it demonstrates how LGBTIQ+ Sri Lankans are vulnerable to discrimination across several critical areas, such as education, healthcare and housing.
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LGBT flag
The most recent study of the Westminster Foundation for Democracy published on the International Youth Day 2021 shows the attitudes and perspectives of young people in North Macedonia. The study reveals that young people who are part of forms of youth organising are more content with their place in society, compared to their peers who are not (49,5% compared to 28,2%). One fifth of young people regularly take action to solve social problems (22,3%) and one third of them (29,2%) succeed in these efforts and solve the problems.
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youth inequality