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672 results found for "Environmental democracy"
This report examinse the importance of the role of parliaments in the oversight of implementation and enforcement of environmental laws, and explores seven different models of environmental governance around the world, including examples from Canada, England, New Zealand and Slovakia.
Report |
Despite young people (0-34 years) comprising 75% of Kenya’s population, they represent just 6.5% of MPs in parliament. So, what is blocking their entry? The key hurdles include socioeconomic status, lack of support from political parties, and limited democratic culture during nominations.
Kenya |
This knowledge product delves into the realm of environmental and climate change stakeholders, offering a comprehensive mapping of the organisations and individuals actively involved in driving environmental action in Georgia. By providing an in-depth overview, this resource empowers media professionals to gain a deeper understanding of the landscape, fostering collaboration and facilitating informed reporting on environmental and climate change initiatives.
Georgia | Briefing |
WFD’s Guide for Participation in Democratic Environmental Governance identifies challenges and entry-points to promote dialogue with everyone who has a stake in environmental governance, especially those who are most vulnerable.
Guide |
To identify the gaps and challenges in the Georgian media landscape in terms of covering climate and environmental issues and to assess the needs of Georgian media organisations as well as individual reporters, a qualitative study was conducted. The study consisted of three main methods of data collection and validation: a desk review of secondary sources, semi-structured interviews of relevant stakeholders, and a validation workshop.
Georgia | Study |
This report from examines the extent to which legislatures protect the environment, by conducting a study of single-use plastic bans in 32 countries.
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Realising international environmental treaties such as the Paris Climate Agreement requires the translation of these commitments into domestic laws and regulations by democratic means. WFD Morocco and Lebanon supported democratic oversight of climate legislation.
A report on the conceptual and practical overlaps between environmental democracy and effective climate adaptation and a framework to guide practitioners to assess climate adaptation through a lens of environmental democracy.
Report |
This survey was conducted to study the attitudes and opinions of the population of Georgia regarding environmental and climate change issues. You can read the highlights of the report on this page or download the full report in pdf format.
Georgia | Study |
The primary objective of the survey was to comprehensively understand public sentiment regarding environmental and climate issues throughout Georgia. The survey delved into perceptions and attitudes towards climate change, awareness levels, behaviors aimed at mitigating climate change, and opinions on existing climate change policies.
Georgia | Study |
Parliaments have a vital role to play in realising the Paris Agreement by establishing mechanisms for monitoring and reporting on the progress of domestic climate-related legislation and policies, ensuring transparency and accountability in the implementation of global climate commitments. This policy paper considers how post-legislative scrutiny can deliver this mandate.
Guide |
Environmental civil society organisations in Albania often face difficulties in accessing decision-makers and being included in consultation processes. WFD is helping to change that.
During the second sitting of the Environmental Parliament (EP24) in Uganda, a diverse group of stakeholders came together to discuss the country's environmental challenges and commitments, with a powerful reminder that the fight against climate change is a collective one.
Uganda |
Our planet needs democracy. To be exact, it needs environmental democracy. That is why Westminster Foundation for Democracy (WFD) is launching a new environmental democracy initiative to support the mutually dependent goals of strong democracies and protecting our planet.