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Campaign finance law is a controversial policy area in Moldova, Indonesia and Nigeria. Legislative changes related to the electoral process are usually taking place in a very tense and challenging political environment and tend to accommodate interests of dominant political parties. Therefore, there is always a risk of law making become politicised, which leaves the main legislative challenges unaddressed.
This template provides resources to facilitate the tasks of election observers in a way that contributes to preparing sound and thoroughly integrated reports on election monitoring from a gender perspective. The template is in English and Arabic.
Environmental democracy has three pillars: transparency, participation and justice. This document explains how WFD supports a democratic response to global environmental crises by working with parliaments, political parties and civil society.
Briefing |
With WFD's support, a coalition of CSOs under the Digital Transformation Network is working with the Lebanese Parliament's ICT committee to improve transparency and accountability through e-governance.
Lebanon |
On 19 September 2017, the Parliament of Lebanon passed a new law with strong ring-fencing measures that will help get a better deal for the country from extractives.
Lebanon |
WFD’s youth training workshops are helping Lebanon’s democracy to be more able to ensure that the exploitation of its offshore gas fields benefits the whole of society.
Lebanon |
WFD invited four women lawmakers to the UK this week, to share their experiences with UK MPs from all the major political parties and learn about different approaches to promoting gender diversity.
Reflecting on a Open Government Partnership Parliamentary Day event in December 2021, Julia Keutgen outlines parliaments' role in restricting and defending civic space and argues that whilst coalitions for change between civil society and parliament require enormous effort, they are vital for defending civic space.
Albania is one of the Western Balkans' countries most susceptible to changing climate trends. Alternating weather patterns have already been observed over the last 15 years and the main Albanian document on addressing them is the National Strategy for Climate Change (NSCC) and respective Plans approved by the Albanian Government in July 2019.
Albania | Report |
At WFD, we are always working to promote inclusive politics and make the case for continuing support to democratic institutions and leadership. Here are five ways we are working to address these important issues.
Corruption is a significant and persistent challenge in Iraq. Transparency International’s corruption perceptions index puts Iraq 166th out of 175 countries, indicating a huge need to improve public sector financial management and tackle corruption.
WFD engaged with the Climate Change Committee and Parliamentary Forum on Climate Change in Uganda by offering support to coordinate all the actors involved to review the bill and generate consensus and advocate for its passage.
Uganda |
What role can parliamentarians play in making sure the SDGs are implemented by 2030?
WFD’s CEO, Anthony Smith, spoke to Devex about putting democracy at the heart of the UK’s international strategy. He argued that democracy and human rights are a critically important part of the UK’s values and directly relevant to our national interests and outlined a three-pronged strategy for the UK’s democratic strengthening work.
While we need virtual parliaments, we do not need them at all costs.